Forms and Email Contacts

Commonly Used Forms

  • Cash Gift Cover Sheet
    Form to accompany delivery of cash (bills, coins) gifts to Advancement Operations
  • New Fund Designation Request Form
    Form to to use when requesting a new fund be created in ArachNet. Note: This is a Dynamic Form and will be escalated through the appropriate approval chain through Development and Business and Finance before coming to Advancement Operations.

E-mail Contacts

    E-mail address to use when sending data entry updates for the ArachNet database outside of "Bio Update Add" found within ArachNet itself.
    E-mail address to use for all web forms (Planned Giving Form, New Fund Request, etc.) and any gift documentation that needs to be scanned to PaperSave records. Do not expect a follow up email from this inbox.
    E-mail address to use for all questions related to gifts in ArachNet (should this be a pledge payment?, fund changes, etc.), submitting multi-year pledge commitments, opportunity linking requests, and all adjustments, including gifts put on the wrong record or hard credit/soft credit issues. Expect a follow up/completed email from this inbox within 10 days’ time of receipt.
    E-mail address to use when you have a notice of a constituent death or obituary to send.