A Gift in Your Will

A popular and enduring planned gift is a simple a gift in your will. This is a powerful opportunity to leave a lasting legacy. When you make a gift in your will, you retain full use of your property during life, so there is no disruption of your lifestyle and no immediate out-of-pocket cost.

In either a new or existing will, simply designate that part of your estate passes directly to us. You have remarkable flexibility in how you make this designation. For example, you can leave:

  • a specific asset
  • a specific sum of money
  • a percentage of your estate
  • what remains of your estate after you have provided for all of your other beneficiaries.

You can also state exactly how you want your gift to be put to use. Or, you can provide an unrestricted gift that can be used whenever and wherever it's needed most. Most importantly, you can change your gift whenever you choose—you remain in complete control of the planning process.

The University can provide sample language to include in your will. Since the exact language of a provision in your will is very important, your gift to benefit our organization should be directed to the University of Richmond. 

Of course, you’ll want to be sure to consult your financial advisors when considering any planned gift.