Other Gifts

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  • Donor-Advised Fund

    Make an irrevocable gift to a fund maintained by a charitable organization and enjoy an income tax charitable deduction for the full amount of the gift. As the name implies, you can advise the fund regarding distribution; however, you may not place material restrictions on the fund.

  • Revocable Living Trust

    Create a trust that can be revoked or changed during your lifetime that directs the disposition of your assets, including charitable gifts. Used alone or in conjunction with a will, a revocable living trust can minimize the cost and delays associated with probate, facilitate asset transfer, provide privacy and, unlike a will, ensure asset management continuity in the event of disability.

  • Gift from an IRA

    Transfer up to $108,000 (annual aggregate amount in 2025) directly from an IRA to us. The gift, available to those age 70½ or over, counts toward your RMD if one is due, and you pay no tax on the distribution.

  • Retained Life Estate

    Donate a home and retain the right to live in the property for the rest of your life. Qualify for a current income tax charitable deduction for the value of our remainder interest in the home.

  • Charitable Lead Trust

    Create a charitable lead trust that benefits us for a number of years, returns assets to your beneficiaries, and minimizes taxes. To learn more about charitable lead trusts, contact us or view our Charitable Lead Trust fact sheet.

  • Closely Held Stock

    Donate closely held stock. You enjoy a charitable deduction equal to the appraised value of the stock with no capital gains tax due.

  • Tangible Personal Property

    Donate gift property that can be used for our exempt purposes, and qualify for an income tax deduction for the full fair market value.

  • Outright Gift: Cash

    An outright gift of cash may help reduce income taxes and minimize or avoid estate taxes. Gifts of cash are simple and straightforward.

  • Outright Gift: Appreciated Securities

    An outright gift of appreciated securities may help reduce income taxes, minimize or avoid estate taxes and avoid or defer capital gains taxes. Gifts of appreciated securities can provide dual benefits… relief from income and capital gains taxes.

  • Outright Gift: Collectibles

    An outright gift of collectibles may help reduce income taxes, minimize or avoid estate taxes and avoid or defer capital gains taxes. In the right situation, the full value of the collectible can be deducted.

  • Living Trust

    A living trust may help minimize or avoid estate taxes. You name the charitable beneficiary for when the trust terminates.

  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT)

    A charitable remainder annuity trust may help reduce income taxes, minimize or avoid estate taxes, avoid or defer capital gains taxes and provide income. Charitable remainder annuity trusts pay a fixed amount every year to beneficiaries and provide a deduction to the donor.

  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT)

    A charitable remainder unitrust may help reduce income taxes, minimize or avoid estate taxes, avoid or defer capital gains taxes and provide income. Charitable remainder unitrusts pay an amount every year to beneficiaries and provide a deduction to the donor.

  • Wealth Replacement

    Wealth replacement strategies may help minimize or avoid estate taxes and replace an asset given to charity. Wealth replacement strategies allow you to give to charity now and benefit heirs by replacing donated assets with life insurance.